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Artys proposes operational and replicable AI-based decision support systems to predict severe weather related hazards in the short term (nowcasting) built upon the synergy between EO and ground-based rainfall monitoring products.
Artys – Advanced enviRonmental moniToring and analYsis Systems – formerly a spin-off of University of Genoa now is a branch of Darts Engineering.
It is focused on research, design, development and consultancy in environmental monitoring, performed by new technological approaches to face climate change-driven environmental challenges.
With the support of the AI4Copernicus 3rd Open Call for Experiments, Artys has the opportunity to experiment an innovative Decision Support System (DSS) for the security of infrastructures and cities through reliable and timely information on the incoming hydro-geological conditions. The workflow is based on two machine learning products: the EO-derived near real-time (NRT) soil moisture (SM) maps and the pluvial flood now- casting.
Piazza della Vittoria 9 / 3
16121 Genova GE