The Solar Production Forecast Model is a cutting-edge tool that leverages machine learning to predict solar energy output, helping entities maximize the benefits of solar energy and streamline their consumption. read more of Solar Production Forecast Model
The main objective of the project is the creation of a module with the help of Web Scraping, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques capable of recommending the recommended light intensity for the next day of the public lights of a city in... read more of Gamification
The service provides real time data related to electricity consumption centres and specifically EV charging stations via WebSocket connection protocol. The objective of the deployment is to help property owners to efficiently manage EV charging stations read more of I-NERGY Electrical Digital Twins Tool in Docker Container format
This asset is the open dataset used for the experiment and for develop the proof of concept. It is an open dataset of SCADA data for Energy Management Systems. read more of ADIOS - I-NERGY Open Dataset