[TMP-116] Telefonica – validating the air quality prototype in a real city
Validation of air quality prototype
This is a follow-up microproject that validates the air quality prototype developed in the first micro project with a second, real city, Valladolid in Spain. In principle, there will be no new developments except for feedback about the system from the city. This project is also in line with the objective of Humane AI: to shape the AI revolution in a direction that is beneficial to humans both individually and societally, and that adheres to European ethical values and social, cultural, legal, and political norms. The focus of the project will be on insights generated from data collected with mobile air quality measurement stations to be placed on top of vehicles, and to test how does insides help local governments in better managing the challenges around air quality. Data from mobile air quality measurement stations that are placed on top of vehicles that and drive through all the streets of the city. Open data that is published by the local city of Valladolid. Aggregated and anonymized mobility data generated from a telecommunications network. The city of Valladolid has agreed to run a pilot for 6 months to evaluate the air quality platform developed in the first micro project with the City of Madrid. The interest of the city council is to monitor the air quality in the low-emission area and beyond to understand whether they can take additional measures for improving the air quality to what they currently are planning.
- A report with the results of the evaluation of the prototype.
- Adaptations to the system based on feedback from the local city.
- Dissemination activities jointly by Telefonica and the local city.
- Potential policy measures to improve the air quality in Valladolid.
- City Council of Valladolid