[TMP-084] Multilingual Event-Type-Anchored Ontology for Natural Language Understanding (META- O-NLU)
A multilingual event-type ontology for NLU, extending the SynSemClass lexicon to German and Polish.
Many industrial NLP applications emphasize the processing and detection of nouns, especially proper nouns (Named Entity Recognition, NER). However, processing of verbs has been neglected in recent years, even though it is crucial for the development of full NLU systems, e.g., for the detection of intents in spoken language utterances or events in written language news articles. The META-O-NLU microproject focuses on proving the feasibility of a multilingual event-type ontology based on classes of synonymous verb senses, complemented with semantic roles and links to existing semantic lexicons. Such an ontology shall be usable for content- and knowledge-based annotation, which in turn shall allow for developing NLU parsers/analyzers. The concrete goal is to extend the existing Czech- English SynSemClass lexicon (which displays all the necessary features, but only for two languages) by German and Polish, as a first step to show it can be extended to other languages as well.
Extended version of SynSemClass (entried in additional languages).
Tangible Outcomes
- SynSemClass 3.5 dataset, (dataset),
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-3750 - SynSemClass 3.5 browser, (other),
URL: https://lindat.cz/services/SynSemClass35/
- Charles Univ, Jan Hajic
- DFKI, Thierry deClerck