[TMP-028] Connected vehicle simulation for AI-based applications
AI-powered car data apps improve driving efficiency and reduce emissions. A simulation environment ensures data privacy during development.
Short description
The goal is to build a simulation environment to test connected car data based applications. AI based car data applications save people‘s time by guiding drivers and vehicles intelligently. This leads to a reduction of the environmental footprint of the transportation sector by reducing local and global emissions. The development and usage of a simulation environment enables data privacy compliancy for the development of AI based applications.
Additional information
Tangible Outcomes
- Video presentation summarizing the project
- Volkswagen AG, Richard Niestroj
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Mirco Nanni
- fortiss GmbH, Yuanting Liu
Technical categories
AI services
Technology Readiness Level
TRL 3-5 (Technology development)
Lead institution
Last updated
Wed, 11/20/2024 - 16:53
Contact details
Richard Niestroj, VW Data:Lab Munich, Yuanting Liu (liu@fortiss.org; yuanting.li