[TMP-001] 3D Semantic Label Transfer and Matching in Human-Robot Collaboration
The study extends a 3D semantic reconstruction pipeline with semantic matching across human and robot viewpoints for improved label acquisition.
Allocentric semantic 3D maps are highly useful for a variety of human-machine interactions since ego-centric instructions can be derived by the machine for the human partner. Class labels, however, may differ or could be missing for the participants due to the different perspectives. In order to overcome this issue, we extend an existing real-time 3D semantic reconstruction pipeline with semantic matching across human and robot viewpoints. We use deep recognition networks, which usually perform well from higher (i.e., human) viewpoints but are inferior from lower viewpoints like that of a small robot. We propose several approaches for acquiring semantic labels for images taken from unusual perspectives. We start with a partial 3D semantic reconstruction from the human perspective that we transfer and adapt to the robot’s perspective using superpixel segmentation and the geometry of the surroundings. The quality of the reconstruction is evaluated in the Habitat simulator and in a real environment using a robot car with an RGBD camera.
We show that the proposed approach provides high-quality semantic segmentation from the robot's perspective, with accuracy comparable to the original one. In addition, we exploited the gained information and improved the recognition performance of the deep network for the lower viewpoints and showed that the small robot alone is capable of generating high-quality semantic maps for the human partner. The computations are close to real time, so the approach enables interactive applications.
Tangible Outcomes
- 3D Semantic Label Transfer and Matching in Human-Robot Collaboration Szilvia Szeier, Benjámin Baffy, Gábor Baranyi, Joul Skaf, László Kopácsi, Daniel Sonntag, Gábor Sörös, and András Lőrincz ECCV 2022 Workshop on Learning to Generate 3D Shapes and Scenes October 23, 2022
https://learn3dg.github.io/ . - Cross-Viewpoint Semantic Mapping: Integrating Human and Robot Perspectives for Improved 3D Semantic Reconstruction László Kopácsi, Benjámin Baffy, Gábor Baranyi, Joul Skaf, Gábor Sörös, Szilvia Szeier, András Lőrincz, Daniel Sonntag Special Issue Deep Learning in Visual and Wearable Sensing for Motion Analysis and Healthcare. Journal: Sensors
https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/23/11/5126 - labelling tool repository:
https://github.com/szilviaszeier/semantic_matching - Video:
1. ELTI, András Lőrincz,
2. DFKI, Daniel Sonntag, daniel.sonntag@dfki.de