Multilingual SynSemClass for the Semantic Web (acronym: MSSW)
Conversion of the SynSemClass event type ontology to the linguistic linked open data (LLOD) cloud.
LLOD (Linguistic Linked Open Data) is a generic name for a set of mutually connected language resources, using ontological relations. The connections between concepts and between concepts and their expression in natural language make them suitable for both research and industrial applications in the area of content analysis, natural language understanding, (language- and knowledge-based) inferencing and other tasks. In the presented task, the concrete work will be on converting the SynSemClass project dataset (in part as a result of a previous Humane AI Net microproject called META-O-NLU) into LLOD, connecting it to the huge amount or interlinked data already available. A partner is involved in the Prêt-à-LLOD H2020 project, making this project synergistic in nature and multiplicative in terms of results in previous projects.
Partners from: DFKI, Germany; University of Bologna, Italy; University of Verona, Italy; FBK, Italy