Tutorial on the proposal for an AI Act
Helping developers and computer scientists to better understand the objectives, architecture and content of the proposed AI Act
26 June 2021 Online

- Mireille Hildebrandt (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Event Contact
14.00 - 16.00Mireille HildebrandtTutorial on the proposal for an AI Act
All partners need to prepare for the tutorial, made easy by a small library of presentations that
- discuss the most important players, concepts, structure and obligations in the proposal
The presentations consist of slides with audio, explaining the text.
The library can be found at the internal service of the HAI network
During the session Hildebrandt will present a general introduction to the proposal, highlighting its architecture, links and deeplinks with the existing framework (product safety) and the upcoming framework (Digital Market Act, Digital Services Act, Data Governance Act). This introduction will form slide-set 0, which will be added to the library after the event.
A series of Slide-sets with Audio:
- AIA Live overview
- AIA General provisions, definitions and prohibitions
Title I – art. 1-4, Annex I and Title II – art. 5 - AIA What are high-risk AI systems?
Title III, chapter 1 – art. 6-7, Annex II and III - AIA Risk management system for high risk systems
Title III, chapter 2 – art. 9 - AIA Data and data governance of high risk systems. What information must be provided to whom and how?
Title III, chapter 2 – art. 10 - AIA Transparency of high risk systems
Title III, chapter 2 – art. 13 - AIA Human oversight of high risk systems
Title III, chapter 2 – art. 14 - AIA Accuracy, robustness and cybersecurity of high risk systems
Title III, chapter 2 – art. 15 - AIA Obligations of providers of high risk systems
Title III, chapter 3 – art. 16-23 - AIA Obligations for users of high risk systems
Title III, chapter 3 – art. 29 - AIA Notification, conformity assessment of high risk systems
Title III, chapter 5 – art. 42-44 and 48-49 - AIA Transparency for medium risk systems
Title IV – art. 52 - AIA Remaining issues