Semantic Middleware
The Semantic Middleware is a solution of middleware that acts as a connector mediating data exchanges between shop-floor data producers (publishers) and data consumers (subscribers), thus contributing to enhance the level of interoperability of the modern production resources distributed within the shop floor.

The Semantic Middleware offers semantic mechanisms of selection of the information to be subscribed by the data consumers,while other existing solutions of middleware currently available in the literature provide only static methods for the subscription. In particular, the middleware allows to express consumer requests and publisher updates according to a common semantic model. Specifically, the requests are expressed in SPARQL, while the changed information is notified through RDF RDF (see figure at this page).
Current Technology Readiness Level of the Asset is TRL 5 – technology validated in relevant environment.
Full contact details:
Gianfranco E. Modoni, Ph.D.
Institute of Intelligent Industrial Systems and Technologies for Advanced Manufacturing
National Research Council of Italy
70124 - Via Paolo Lembo 38F, Bari, Italy
Personal home page: