Robot-agnostic online coordination for multiple robots
This software implements an online coordination method for multiple robots. Its main features are:
- Goals can be posted and paths computed online
- Precedences are inferred online, accounting for robot dynamics via provided dynamic models
- Very few assumptions are made on robot controllers
- The coordination method is not specific to a particular motion planning technique
Execution environment: linux
Version of the environment: Ubuntu > 16.04
Install & Run: This is a Java library, so it should run on any platform with a Java Runtime Environment. Some features require the OMPL and MRPT libraries, namely, a builti-in example path planner. For these to work, you need to install these libraries for your platform, please see the instructions in the readme or on the Github page:
Additional information: The software includes a basic 2D robot simulation and a simple built-in motion planner (which depends on the OMPL and MRPT libraries). A separate interface package is provided to enable the use of this software in conjunction with ROS and the navigation_oru stack to obtain a fully implemented stack for multi-robot coordination and motion planning.