Reproducibility has become a cornerstone in ensuring the reliability, transparency, and utility of scientific research, particularly in fields driven by computational and data-intensive methods like artificial intelligence (AI). The AI4Europe Reproducibility Initiative emphasizes the significance of reproducibility in advancing scientific discovery and fostering trust within the AI community. This article explores the essential dimensions of reproducibility, the barriers that hinder it, and proposed practices for enhancing reproducibility.
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BIAS Data Donation Campaign
Help champion diversity and innovation in hiring! Share anonymized cover letters and CVs with the BIAS project to be part of a groundbreaking effort to reduce AI bias. By contributing, you'll gain valuable insights into your applicant data, support import...

Help Us Improve AIoD: Share Your Feedback Today!
As a valued user of the AIoD platform, we are reaching out to gather your feedback on our services and tools. Your insights are essential in helping us enhance the usability and accessibility of AIoD, ensuring it meets your needs effectively.
Bridging Distances: Advanced Material Recovery in Remote Areas!
The RECLAIM project, funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe program, aims to offer innovative solutions in the waste management industry in regions lacking material recovery facilities.

DIGITAL EUROPE programme - new call for Specialised Education Programmes in Key Capacity Areas
New call for Specialised Education Programmes in Key Capacity Areas (ADVANCED-DIGITAL-07-KEYCAPACITY)
Communication with AI, communication between AIs – field tests
Recent breakthrough in the development of the AI (Artificial Intelligence) as well as open access to some of its models created an opportunity to test them. Therefore practical tests of the following models in this moment available to us were performed: C...
AI-on-Demand Webinar Highlights How the Platform Empowers EU Projects
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Webinar Trustworthy AI: Landscaping verifiable robustness & transparency
The EVENFLOW along with its sibling projects of the TrustWorthy AI Cluster and Adra-e | AI, Data and Robotics Ecosystem co-organised the webinar titled Trustworthy AI: Landscaping verifiable robustness and transparency on Wednesday 29 May 2024, at 10.00-1...

The EVENFLOW Newsletter is out now!
Read all about what we have been up to in the past year!
EVENFLOW & TrustWorthy AI Cluster presented at DIH4AI: Enhancing Trustworthy AI and the AIoD Platform | online
Continuing our dissemination activities and interacting with the broader community, EVENFLOW project was presented at the DIH4AI:Enhancing Trustworthy AI and the AIoD Platform that took place online, on 29 November 2023.

EVENFLOW co-organises talk: Selected techniques for relational & text data analysis
EVENFLOW together with partner NCSR Demokritos hosted invited speakers Prof. Nada Lavrač and Dr. Senja Pollak from the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, that delivered a talk titled Selected techniques for relational and text data analysis. ...

AI Researchers Invited to Participate in Key Study
AI researchers are invited to participate in a new study aimed at identifying and addressing challenges in the field. The study seeks to enhance AI research and innovation in Europe through targeted solutions and support services.

From speculations to future applications: AI4MEDIA publishes scenarios envisioning the future horizons for AI in media
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Enabling the EU AI Research Ecosystem: Discoverability of the AIoD Platform
On May 30, 2024, at 10 AM CET, the European AI on Demand Platform (AIoD) will spotlight its 2024 updates in an online seminar, emphasising the enhanced discoverability of AI resources. This event, part of a series organised by the VISION and AI4Europe pro...

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