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4 October, 2021

European AI Week Calls for National Alliances to Join Effort for 2022

AI4EU National Contact Point Nathanael Ackerman is calling for national representatives of European countries to propose their participation and agenda for the 2022 European AI Week to be organised from 14-18 Mar 2022.



EU AI speakers in 2021

Institutions, national and regional networks, and national AI coalitions are welcome to discuss their participation in the world's largest event on AI by emailing the organizers at

The European AI Week is an upgraded version of the Belgian AI Week that was organised online from 15-19 Mar 2021 attracting eight thousand AI enthusiasts and experts in 56 sessions focusing on AI policies and regulations; latest technologies research and development; and citizen debate sessions throughout the five days.

At the past event, the European AI Day was organised as a part of the Belgian AI Week. Lucilla Sioli, Director for AI and Digital Industry within Directorate-General CONNECT at the European Commission shared the policy directions including the regulation frameworks released in April 2021. Nearly a dozen of European member states had their representatives at the event sharing strategies and focuses by the national hubs and their networks.

The upcoming European AI Week, aiming at sharing concrete AI actions and projects with the public through locally anchored organizations, will continue the intention to promote cooperation between all relevant players in European AI.

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