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20 December, 2021

AI4EU Held the Last General Assembly Closing an Ambitious European AI Project

The Coordination Team of the AI4EU project organised the last General Assembly on 14 Dec 2021 to close the ambitious, complex but meaningful project with the participation of most project members in an hour-long online meeting.




The Technical Manager and the Work Package 3 leader Dr Joachim Kohler presented the Platform, its role in the European AI landscape and the global perspective, its services and key components serving diverse demands of users.

The AI experiment Platform is functioning well enabling users to build and test components of AI solutions with a marketplace and a visual editor that walk users through concrete steps. Meanwhile, the European AI Ecosystem can utilize the content management system (CMS) platform where they can contribute and publish AI algorithms, AI resources, AI dataset on the AI catalogues, access tutorials that users can follow to do what they want on the Platform and get the updated news and events on AI, especially those from European AI communities.

 A presentation on users’ journey for use cases of an SME and a researcher was presented, walking the target users through steps and options that they can do with both the technical platform and the CMS.

The services available for AI4EU Platform users are crosscutting of an AI innovation process, which is aimed at simplifying AI technology usage and fostering collaboration. Users can find AI resources: e.g., the marketplace for AI solutions, advanced search, dockerized microservices, transferable to design studio; design in studio, e.g., visual editor, advanced featured for simplified usage, connect software components, gRPC protocol interface; deploy with flexibilities: e.g., local deployment, simplified cloud deployment, deployable into a private cluster; and publish their solutions in the marketplace: e.g., share solutions, provide licence, boost collaboration.

By the end of the project, there are 400+ registered and active users on the Experiment platform, 250+ dockerized models in the marketplace, 128+ AI assets, 50+ news articles on the new platform (150+ news on the old platform) and 40+ events that were published for users to know beforehand.

The Platform will be continued with the technical governance board beyond 2021 and be hosted by Fraunhofer. The Platform’s sustainability is covered by affiliated EU project(s).

The project members were also reminded that there are two reports to be submitted to the EC by end of Feb 2022. They are Periodic Report No. 2 which covers both the technical part and financial part, and the Final Report, which will cover technical summary and certificate on the financial statements. The Coordination Team urged partners to contribute and provide strong support for the reports as they are on a short deadline.

The Coordination Team has emailed links to the reports and asked for contributions from all partners.

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