RODIN published good practice guidelines for the maintenance of the networks post funding
The deliverable sets out a range of good practice guidelines for the maintenance of the networks post-funding. It addresses structural and operational practice and provides some checklist-type suggestions for handling such things as the creation of value from the network, the construction of digital platforms, the selection of business models and the creation of brand identity. I
The RODIN project worked with a collection of Digital Innovation Hub Networks (DIHN) (Trinity, DIH2, DIH-HERO, agROBOfood and RIMA) set up under the DT-ICT-02-2018 – Robotics – Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) call.
The scope of this Good Practice guidelines document is to address the primary areas of best practice those seeking to create and operate DIH Networks should be aware of. Its intent is to provide advice and guidance by collating experience from across the current IAs and from outside of the Robotics IA network, mainly through collecting additional experience from partners in the DIH-Net and BOWI projects. Where this is more fully covered by other deliverables from RODIN these will be referenced. Specifically, in terms of the breadth of coverage, the document seeks to address all significant areas of best practice that influence the operation of DIH Networks, rather than focus on strategy or content. The report also focuses on sustainability since it is in the post funding phase where best practice is most relevant. In this context the content particularly focuses on the interrelation between sustainability, governance and service delivery. In particular it takes into account the unique position that vertically focused, technology specific, networks occupy in the Digital Innovation Hub landscape. These contrast in many aspects with the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) structures favoured by the EC.
As outlined above the report covers all areas of best practice and these are handled under the following sections: ● Network Creation and Sustainability ● Platform and service delivery ● Value Creation ● Governance ● Business models and governance ● Brand development and communication
Read it and other reports on RODIN/RI4EU website here.
Direct link to the report (pdf) here.