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Funditec develops innovate projects in our own laboratory facilities in three strategic areas: Advanced Materials, AgroFood and Cybersecurity to IA and blockchain



The Foundation for the Development and Technological Innovation (FUNDITEC) is a private not-for-profit Technological Center of Madrid. 

We are very active participating in national and Eruopean R&D programmes. We believe that innovative ideas are created together and thus we collaboratively work together with other research centers, companies, and public organizations. 

AI and blockchain are among the most disruptive technologies and will fundamentally reshape how we live, work, and interact. Cybersecurity is key for wider adoption and acceptance of both.

Funditec main digitial offer is related to:

1) ROBUST and TRUSTWORTHY AI --> We bring cybersecurity and trust to AI/ML processes, making them compliant with Trustworthy AI standards and regulations. AI can be deployed in attack mode against components or systems, defense mode in countering attacks on components or systems, and in target mode must be protected from attack. In Fundite we wok in the target mode. Discover security vulnerabilities and attacks to Al systems or systems with Al components and develop effective defensive techniques to address the attacks.

2)  SECURE BLOCKCHAIN SOLUTIONS --> We bring cybersecurity to blockchain-based projects, piecing together all sensitive interoperating systems in a resilient and trustful global solution. We can help you to protect your information assets at any phase of your blockchain project, from inception to exploitation.



Faraday 7
Campus UAM
28049 Madrid Madrid

Involved in following Projects


Beekeeping is the highest agricultural contributor to yields worldwide due to bees' pollination services. The needs of the beekeepers are related to the optimisation of beehive management to 1) reduce the time and costs needed for beehive management and 2...