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Munich Innovation Hub for applied AI

At the Munich Innovation Hub for Applied AI, fortiss has joined forces with the Initiative for Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) and the Munich School of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MSRM).
Serving as a starting point, the goal is to offer SMEs in Bavaria a wide range of services related to artificial intelligence (AI) a
Serving as a starting point, the goal is to offer SMEs in Bavaria a wide range of services related to artificial intelligence (AI) and help them to take up and apply AI technologies.
The Munich Innovation Hub for Applied AI is part of the EU initiative that aims to establish digital innovation hubs (DIH) across Europe. 300 such DIHs are meanwhile officially registered and active. Follow this link for a current list. The Munich Innovation Hub for Applied AI is also a cooperation partner of the European network AI DIH Network of Digital Innovation Hubs with a focus on AI.
Lichtenbergstraße 6
85748 Garching